What is BELKYRA®?
This product is already FDA approved and licensed for use in the USA, where it is known as ‘KYBELLA’ and has been very popular among clients seeking to improve the double chin. It is currently awaiting approval from the UK authorities with an expected release date into the UK market in Winter 2018. Live Young Cosmetics will be one of the first UK clinics to offer the treatment to our clients when it becomes available.
Submental Fat’ Treatment
This product is an injectable treatment which will be licensed specifically for the treatment of double chins, or fat beneath the chin area. The double chin is officially known as ‘submental fat’, or fat beneath the chin. This is a very common problem. In fact, studies have shown that 67% of adults dislike the fat in this area – very similar to the numbers bothered by lines and wrinkles.
Researchers have demonstrated that fullness under the chin can impact how a person feels about themselves and, for both women and men, can lead to feelings of negative self-esteem.
Double chin can be seen as ageing and unflattering, especially as fat accumulation beneath the chin tends to mean that definition of the jawline is lost, leading to a ‘weak chin’ appearance.
A strong jawline is associated with strength of character as well as youth. It is a feature which both women and men aspire to.
BELKYRA®is based on deoxycholic acid, a substance which is already produced naturally in the body. The function of deoxycholic acid is to help the body to absorb fat.
With Belkyra treatment, the injection of the fat-absorption agent literally destroys the fat cells, breaking down deposits of fat in the area. The result is a smoother and leaner profile and results are long-lasting, as once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.
In trials, patients noted not only a reduction in the amount of fat under their chin, but also an improvement in the emotional impact of receiving treatment, as it is an issue many had felt self-conscious about.