Before & After Lip Filler Jawline definition using 2.4ml Teosyal Ultra Deep. Microcannula Technique. Lip Filler Natural, beautiful, full lips using 1ml Juvederm Volbella Lip Enhancement Vermillion border definition and lip volumisation Lip Enhancement 1ml Juvederm Volbella Acne treatment Acne treatment with microneedling, ZO skin care and topical Tretinoin Jawline Filler Lower face, jawline definition using 2.4ml Teosyal Ultra Deep. Jawline Filler Jawline definition 2ml Restylane Lyft and blunt microcannula technique Lip Enhancement Lip augmentation using 1ml Restylane Refyne Tear Trough Tear trough correction using 1ml Restylane and microcannula technique